If you are an SME, you might be unsure about what the term "digital transformation" means and how it can benefit your business. However, it is much more than just a vague concept. It is a detailed approach that involves taking clear steps to achieve digital maturity, support your business vision, and achieve long-term goals.

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  • Aliquam lorem ante.

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  • Phasellus viverra nulla.

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Business Process Reengineering is the process of critical analysis and redesign of the current business processes to achieve improvements in productivity, cycle times, quality, and employee and customer satisfaction.

Numerous small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have been using their systems for a long time, but due to neglecting their maintenance, they have become outdated or no longer functional.

On numerous occasions, enterprises encounter situations where they do not possess the competency, resources or confidence in choosing a vendor for the implementation of a business application or modernization of an existing application that is in use.

It is imperative for every organization to have a clearly defined strategy to prevent and promptly recover from significant disruptions to business operations. However, SMEs often neglect to establish such strategies and underlying processes to deal with challenges that can arise from natural or man-made causes.

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